Adoption story - Ben and Meriah

Ben and Meriah are practically my neighbors, as they live just a few streets away from me.  When they signed on with me in late June, we met at a local coffee house and talked adoption. 

Adoption was already a huge part of their lives, as Meriah herself had been adopted as an infant! 

We were dreaming big dreams together when they came onboard with CAC on June 30. I put them in touch with a local home study provider who quickly completed their certification in just four weeks! By that time, I had designed their gorgeous family profile book, and they were able to start presenting to expectant mothers.

Meriah and Ben were total rock stars during this phase — they had their hands and hearts wide open to any situation the Lord might bring to them. They were open to any gender, but secretly had their hearts set on a little girl.

One day I got a call from a partner agency….

 “There’s a baby girl born who needs parents right away!”

Ben and Meriah presented their book alongside other families, hoping and wishing big things. (I always caution my families not to get their hopes up *too* much, which is just about impossible to do!!)

The next day, my heart burst wide open when the agency social worker called me with the best news ever for Ben and Meriah!  “She chose them!”

In adoption world, when a baby is born in need of immediate placement, this is often referred to as a “stork drop.”  Meriah had shared with me that she herself had been a “stork drop” to her parents, and now the story had come full circle, as she and her husband rushed to pack bags and drive out of state to meet their new baby girl!

I had the pleasure of meeting this sweet new daughter just 6 weeks after having first met her mom and dad! (Such a fast placement that the agency applications I’d completed on their behalf never had to be mailed!)  

Welcome sweet Harper!  You are so, so loved!


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