Congratulations Melissa & John!

Every once in a while, a family comes along who completely steals your heart because they so reflect true love and grace.

Melissa and John embody so many lovely, gracious traits, I was thrilled when they signed on with me in mid-August, following a few questions and discussions in  July.   They were seeking the Lord all the way with this adoption, which is an exciting thing in which to be a part.

They joined CAC with an active Home Study, which meant they could immediately apply with our agencies.

Somehow I was not surprised that just two and a half weeks after going active with us that they matched with a lovely young woman, "E," located in the state they visit several times a year.

We cried together when they matched with E.

As parents through adoption the first time, they knew, they appreciated the depth of the situation.

E was in a hard place, and dealing with a lot on her plate. But they loved her unconditionally.  Following their match, they wrote her letters, their families wrote her loving, supportive letters. It was a perfect match -- the melding of two families.

And nearly two months after their match, the most perfect little boy was born, and welcomed into the arms of his lovely mom and dad.

When I think of Melissa and John, the verse, "Perfect love casts out fear" comes to mind.  The sincere love and caring nature of this amazing family, along with the Lord's guidance, was a part of each step of the process.

And now they have the most snuggly, gorgeous little man to enjoy.

Congratulations, John and Melissa!!


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