Congratulations Mandy and Brandon!

We were delighted to have one of our sweet CAC families, Mandy and Brandon return to adopt their third child earlier this year!

They had worked with us three years ago to have their daughter Ava join their family in a whirlwind adoption.  Since then, they'd given birth to Matthew, and were now ready to add to their family again.

When Mandy called, I was struck by her gentleness and the entire family's desire to bring a child into their family who would look a bit like their sweet Ava.  That said, they were placing no limitations on their adoption -- they had their hands open, willing to welcome any sweet little one of any gender or ethnicity into their home. I was also struck by Mandy's loving words about her daughter's first family and how she desired to have an open relationship with their next child's family as well.

Mandy and Brandon officially signed back on with us in late February, and I got to work on building their beautiful family profile -- seriously - are they not photogenic?  It was tough to decide which family photos to use!

Two weeks after signing on, they were presenting to our agencies, and just six weeks later, were matched with a brave young woman making an adoption plan.  They had about eight weeks to plan for their little one's arrival, and were able to travel out of state just in time to meet their little man!

Originally their son's birth mom initially wanted only a closed adoption. But after hearing Mandy over the phone shortly after they were "matched," and growing to trust each other, they did enter into a more open relationship and exchange text messages and phone calls. Truly, the love of Christ just radiates from Mandy, and touches all who meet her.

Zeke, you are a blessing!  And, Mandy and Brandon, it was a joy to work alongside you as you waited for your sweet son!

Congratulations on your beautiful, growing family!


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