Is now the time for CAC? Spring into Summer special this week

Last month, Christian Adoption Consultants had 33 families grow through adoptions. 20 of our families were matched with a brave and courageous expectant mother and 13 babies were born into their adoptive families. That's over a baby a day!

Over the last nine years, hundreds of families have chosen Christian Adoption Consultants to help them on their journey to adopt. Our passionate and Christ-centered approach offers support and guidance to adoptive couples.  Here's what Amanda said about why they chose CAC:
What am I not thankful for? We initially chose to work with CAC because the average wait time for bringing home a baby seemed much shorter (and I'm not a very patient person). However, we quickly learned that working with CAC was like constantly having someone 'in our corner' fighting and advocating for us. Adoption is a complex journey to navigate by yourself and we always felt as though CAC was our GPS guiding us turn-by-turn. Our consultant walked with us and prayed with us through the difficult conversations and decisions and rejoiced and cried with us as we celebrated in welcoming our daughter home. We cannot speak highly enough of the integrity and beauty of what CAC offers.
Amanda with her husband, Jarrod with their daughter they adopted with the help of CAC

Christian Adoption Consultants wants to help your family adopt by offering a $100 discount. Any new families who sign up between May 13-15th will receive $100 off of our full service consulting packages. (This discount does not apply to our self serve consulting package, returning families, or special needs consulting packages).

Have friends who are thinking about adoption? Make sure you share this post! 

Email me at for an application and information packet.


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