adoption story - makyna and matthew
I had the joy of serving Makyna and her husband Matthew last year, for just a few short months before their precious son, Worthy, was born in January. They came to me as already homestudy ready, immediately started presenting to cases they received, and were matched a month after going active with us. Their little guy was born about two months after that. (I'm always amazed at how each adoption has its own timetable!) Their little guy r ecently turned "one," and Makyna was gracious enough to share the lovely as well as the "messy" side of adoption, that she shared with friends and family when he was still a newborn. **************** Before Worthy, as a hopeful adoptive parent, I saw many feel-good stories of adoption. Beautiful, precious, heartwarming stories. I knew I wasn’t seeing the full picture - for there to be a need for an adoption, there must be a heartbreaking loss - but I also didn’t fully know what the full picture would look like fo...