Adoption story - Max + Amanda
Amanda and Max came to me in September of 2016 -- they had just moved on to adoption to build their family. After lots of trials and setbacks, they were just ready to become parents. They quickly became home study certified, while we set to work on designing their family profile book. They brought so much tenacity to their journey -- Amanda and I spoke often, and she was willing to present to just about every case I shared with them. Their hearts and hands were just ready for whatever the Lord may bring their way. After presenting to what felt like SO MANY cases, they were selected by a brave expectant mom in early March, and their baby boy was born just two weeks later! They were able to attend his birth after a cross-country flight, with just a few minutes to spare. I loved seeing the photos of them falling in love with their sweet baby boy in the hospital, and as they've adapted to being a family of three. Congratulations, a...