
Showing posts from June, 2014

What's on your summer bucket list? Summer discount at CAC through Friday

Summer is finally here with the warmer temps, flip flops, and barbeques. You might have plans to head to the beach or the pool, spend more time with family and friends, or get some projects checked off your list. But summer is also a space to DREAM. Do you have anything on your bucket list that this summer would be a perfect time to check off? What if our bucket lists were more than exotic trips and thrill-seeking adventures? What if our bucket list included changing another life and investing in the eternal? Have you ever dreamed about adoption?  Maybe starting the adoption process should be on your summer bucket list! Christian Adoption Consultants  is committed to helping families realize their dreams and answer God's call to add to their family through adoption. With that in mind, we're pleased to offer a summer discount! We will be offering 10 percent off all full service consulting packages.   (This discount does not apply to our...